And suffer they shall.
Cute girlfriend (who apparently hates me because I enjoy talking about Dynasty Warriors with her boyfriend) who has been staying here for over 2 months without being on the lease and without paying any bills (as she gambles all her money away, so when we ask her to pay, she's broke and there is little my fiancee and I can do) has just been served with "Notice of Illegal Resident" papers by our landlord, who is really a cool guy. (Cool because it's not going in our record) This give her 72 hours to take her crap and go back to living with mommy, where she belongs.
We had a talk with both of them about a week and a half ago, explained her actions were violating OUR lease and it would mess up not only her boyfriend's rental history but mine and Scott's as well were we all evicted because of her. We explained that 2 nights a week staying over was as much as there could be, and instead she's stayed over EVERY night sence then. It's like I think I'm speaking English, but I'm speaking gibberish to her.
But I know she can farking read.