I had that 'knowing' feeling straight away, when our eyes met. We both felt it. Like a bolt of lightning with the word "yes" inscribed in it. My bf I met eight or nine years ago. We have never really been together in all that time though, by this I mean due to circumstances, we have not lived together. This has challenged us both in different ways. There have been times of lust, love, and frustration! Because we have not lived together, this has allowed the both of us to work through issues that would normally twist the more usual relationships. We have had a few 'separations' but amazingly we have both come back to each other. We both appreciate each other on a more individual level (I think), because of our circumstances. What started off as an amazing 'magical' feeling, has now become a very grounded relationship.
To those who wander but who are not lost...
~ Knowledge is not something you acquire, it is something you open yourself to.