Whats the point of writing an essay? Gonna make him have a thesis, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion too?? Having him say why he did it and talking about it with him will do the exact same thing as writing an essay on the subject will. I dont believe he needs therapy either. 13 year olds rough house, shieeeet i still roughhouse. Im sure he'll be writing essays as the school punishment too, so dont make him write another. As we all know, essay's can be BS'ed like no other, and I bet that he's gotten to the point in school where bs'ing an essay is what the teacher wants to read, and what will get him the grade. Im sure he'll do it for this one too. And its an "in school" suspension? Be glad he didn't get kicked out for a week or somethin more like that. He was defending himself. Just talk with him about it.