I'm still a couple years off from this with my kids, but I've always appreciated how open my family was about sex when we were growing up, and I've always thought that it's important that my kids be able to be honest with me about sex, otherwise they're going to look for other avenues and that rarely ends up in a healthy outlet.
My real suggestion here would be to sit down with your daughter and find out why she's masturbating, but only after you've personally come to terms with the fact that it's going on. You said yourself that this isn't a bad thing so you need to make sure that you don't express it as such or their will be a level of shame that she's not likely going to be able to breach and allow herself to be frank about it. Personally I would let her know that I'm concerned about why she's masturbating, but hopefully in a way that isn't perceived as condemning the masturbation.
Honestly I see 8 as more than a little young for masturbation, but we don't know her reasons, and until you talk to her to find out why she's doing it all you can do is make suppositions and conjecture which will really only make it harder to sit down and have an open discussion with her.
Halfway to hell and picking up speed.