Not sure where to post this question
or even how to ask it. I have, on several occassions, caught my 8 yr old daughter masturbating. (there, I have said it). This is so hard for me to talk about. I cannot even talk about it when it comes to myself. My parents were not very open about sex at all, I dont remember ever having "that talk". My first reaction to my daughter was not a good one. I think I made her feel like a bad person. I know now that masturbation is not a bad thing, and can be very good in fact. But 8 yrs old? Is this normal? How do I handle this with her? I am so scared for her, I am scared that she will be sexually active at a very young age. I didnt know where else to turn, I would appreciate any comments, help, etc. Thanks!
"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles." ~Alex Karras