Judging Character.
For as long as I can remember, I have been a poor judge of character. This is especially true when it comes to women. The issue of women and dating is where this concerns me. I see women, all women and wholesome, motherly, pure and incapable of doing harm. I can't help it. I never really see what's there. However, I have learned through time and experience that this isn't always true. I have been lied to, cheated on, taken advantage of, etc, but I still have learned my lesson. I still surround myself with the same "type" of people and I find myself recycling friends every couple of years.
This has affected many aspects of my social life. I always pick terrible friends and I never seem to date the right kind of women. I want to learn to see people for what they are and see past the bullshit. I can't seem to do that. This goes hand in hand with my "nice guy" personality. At least in my case.
I am a poor judge of characted. Anyone have any personal experience with this? Any books out there that can help? Please share.