mal hit the nail, right on the head.
I remember being like that. I knew it was unhealthy and wished desperately for years that the 'umbilical cord' be cut. I hated how I felt when my SO was not around, but I hated equally the pressure I was putting on him. Just being aware of it didn't help either - I personally had to go to the other extreme to come back to centre.
I separated from the relationship for about a year, then came back once I had my self-worth in place. I don't have the desperate need for him anymore (confusing because this was what I thought love was all about), but he is a person I like, admire and respect... that is why we are together now, not because I *need* him.
I'm not saying this is what she must do, I'm just giving you my experience to draw from. Possibly you could approach your three week trip as a time for her to tackle this issue...
To those who wander but who are not lost...
~ Knowledge is not something you acquire, it is something you open yourself to.