Abortion: a father's rights.
This is not a personal post, however I was wondering what you think (sorry if this is the wrong forum, could not think of a better one).
A child is concieved (whether by accident, design or just plain bad luck), a mother has the right to abort the child under most countries laws, however the father has no rights, once the deed is done he is stuck with the choice even if he does not want to make it.
Personally I think that the father should have the right to an abortion as well (legal rather than physical... forcefully performing medical procedures or a woman seems rather harsh to say the least), basically absolving him of the responsiblity of the child (its not legally his at all). Do you think that this would be fair as it seems unfair to hit a guy for child support when a woman essentially has a get out of jail free card on similar payments. The man cannot physically abort the child so should he have a way to show that he does not want a child and so if he was a woman would abort?
Similarly for the other situation, a woman can abort the child even if the father does wish the child, how could and should this situation be handled, because as they say it takes two to tango.
/me dons his asbestos, TFP is a very flame free area but never can be too sure when voicing what may be unpopular.