martel and I looked through a big box of opals, and found one that was just perfect! We had the guy at the store put it into a setting and then onto a ring, and it held up well until last week when the band snapped. We're going to get the opal set into a more permanent setting soon. I love opals- they're so pretty- mine is a deep blue with a lot of different color variations in it. They're a soft stone, tho, so they're gonna wear out eventually. For Martel and I, that's ok, cause our ring was just something fun on the side while we were waiting for everyone else to be let in on the secret of our marriage. Our wedding bands cost $30 alltogether- they're matching sterling silver bands with a cool Indian inspired design on them. major props for not buying diamonds- once you learn the truth about DeBeers, you never want to look at a diamond again. However, the process of making synthetic diamonds that are virtually the same as the "real thing" has been perfected, and they're starting to come out on the market a bit. When they get to be a bit more widely avaliable, I want to get a synthetic diamond just as a "fuck you" to DeBeers. I don't buy this "a diamond is forever" crap.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi