Those of you who, like myself, enjoy the show "House M.D.", who is your favorite actor/actress? What episode and/or scene is your favorite and why? And most importantly: What is (are) your favorite quote(s) from House M.D.??
Dr. House himself.

"Take two aspirin and don't call me...ever."
Dr. House walks in to the waiting room with about 8 people sitting in chairs.
"Hello, sick people and their loved ones. My name is Dr. Gregory House, you can call me Greg. I am one of three doctors currently working here, but I am the only one here against my will. Isn't that right?"
Turns to the woman next to him.
"This ray of sunshine is Dr. Lisa Cuddy...However for most of you, my job could be done by a monkey with a bottle of motrin. If you are exceedingly boring, you might see me reach for one of these..."
He pulls a bottle of pills out of his coat pocket.
"This is Vikodin. It's mine, you can't have any. And no, I don't have a pain management problem, I have a pain problem. But who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm too STONED to tell! Now who wants to see me?"
No one raises their hands.
"And who would like to wait for one of the other two doctors?"
Every person waiting raises their hand.
House walks out of the room.