04-19-2005, 12:57 AM
#7 (permalink)
With a mustache, the cool factor would be too much
Location: left side of my couch, East Texas
Originally Posted by gnort
Yeah, Man-Thing did come before Swamp Thing and hopefully the Man-Thing movie will be better than Swamp Thing...or the even worse Swamp Thing 2.
<a href="http://www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/m/manthing.htm" target="_blank">More Man-Thing Info</a>
From what I read, it doesn't sound like the Man-Thing movie will be any good.
Here's a review from moviehole.com...(may contain spoilers so I'll spoilerize it)
Spoiler: Marvel have really outdone themselves when it comes to their film plights over the last few years: They amalgamated the all-too-rare fusion of story with special effect for the “X-Men” series, astonished us with the blistering brawn and brilliant blueprint of “Spider-Man”, and instantly made us forget that Thomas ‘The Punisher’ Jane ever gave to life a sniffily, coke-consuming buddy of Dirk Diggler. Now, prepare yourself for the ultimate Marvel experience: Big-breasted beauties swimming in corn syrup, Aussies with irksome, disbelieving Louisiana accents, and cheap, fruitless effects that do nothing to help proceedings look any less minor than, dare I say, “The Howling 3”.
“Man-Thing” is a far bigger blow than anything Linda Lovelace could’ve bought to the table. If the comic-book stables previous cinematic efforts were a Chocolate-adorned caramel filled Cornetto ice cream, then this is the unappetizing defrosted home-brand water ice. It’s that cheap.
From the get-go, “Man-Thing” was always intended as a direct to video release – though there were whispers of a theatrical a few times – and they’ve done nothing to go out of their way to look anything but that. With a template so thin and feeble you’ll swear it was once the script for a discarded “Razorback” sequel, and a bunch of green-coloured flood lights standing in for where effects would normally be placed – this is cinema doing the Limbo. “How low can you go?”
The Man-Thing, first introduced in a five-issue comic series in the 70’s, is a mysterious monster living in the Florida Everglades. Much like a German shepherd, he attacks those who are fearful of him – but takes a step back from those that aren’t.
We’re first introduced to his presence, when he attacks – out of nowhere – a young couple doing it horizontal style, while floating their dingy on the lake. Enter, the new sheriff in town, Kyle Williams (Matthew Le Nevez) – the one man brave enough to come face to face with the urban legend no one dares goes a-chasing. Cue the smoke, write in some quick cuts, turn up the amp on the sound…
Big waste of time and talent here folks. Close your eyes if you don’t want to see what happened to the great Jack Thompson of “Sunday too Far Away” or “Breaker Morant”, and keep them closed if you don’t want to see what the terrific Brett Leonard (“Virtuosity”, “The Lawnmower Man”) is playing film daddy to these days. (You may want to open them for model Imogen Bailey’s first appearance in the picture though: At her finest when she’s undressed). It’s sad to think that Australian talent have to be reduced to doing such C-grade studio pap.
If film fans are let down with the result, imagine how the comic fans will feel: Not only is there really only the one fleeting appearance from the title character, but also his background story is almost near existent, and ultimately, his first foray into film: likely to be his last. While most Marvel movies have been imaginative, well-planned efforts, “Man-Thing” is as by-the-numbers as Bingo. It doesn’t even deserve to bare the all-familiar ‘Marvel’ title card at its commencement.
Here's the Sci-fi Channel link...
I remember M-T as a quasi-good guy. This just sounds very different from my childhood memories of him. 