O chem honestly has nothing to do with Gen chem really. The whole electronegativity shit doesn't come into play much, besides helping you identify which reacts better and such, but the bulk of O chem is just REMEMBERING EQUATIONS.
there's not really such a thing as really knowing from electronegativity and valance electrons because honestly, in the real world, it just doesn't work that simple. Sure, if you consider the properties of this and that you SHOULD get this product, but you don't, so they make up some reason for it working out the other way.
To study, just make a whole mess of note cards of all the reactions you ever learn, know the mechanism as well. There will be groups that have certain characteristics, such as electrophile, nucleophiles, and how they react to certain groups such as carboxylic acids, ketones, alchols, and such.
For me it was just a matter of remembering every equation and with that you should do well, it's not too bad either. I got an A first semester and am at a 89% this semester.