I appreciate all the advice yall have given. I've mentioned a lot of the stuff you guys have said to her, and the more we talk about it the more comfortable she gets with the idea. Now she says she's actually excited about it. It seems like it'll be a good idea to try to using something smaller like fingers or something at first to get her used to it. I've mentioned a few times maybe she should practice with something small before I come home, but I don't think she will. The thing is she seams totally repulsed by putting anything in there other than my dick. Is that normal? Any thoughts on how I could get her to be more comfortable with maybe using a small dildo on herself? She's never used vibrators or anything. She masturbates pretty regularly, but has something against using plastic/rubber things for it. Maybe I can just recommend a few more times that she sticks a finger up her butt right as she's cumming next time she masturbates. Perhaps she'll try it out of curiosity sometime and love it. Who knows.
"People sleep peacably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" -George Orwell