Hey boys and girls, <br>
I am screaming out to EVERYONE who likes games, and wants to take over the world. I just bought this game called EVIL GENIUS. Yeah it rocks. It is for PC, and the object of the game is to take over the world. You have your own henchmen and your own control room. You can build lots of different rooms and traps, and objects. I love this game more than poker. And you kids know how much i loves my poker. Its almost like evil rollercoaster tycoon meets the evil sims<br>
I urge everyone to try it out. And buy and extra copy in case one breaks. Then burn at least 15 copies of each disc.<br>
<marquee behavior="alternate"><a href="http://www.howevilareyou.com/us/">Here is a link to the main page</a></marquee>
This game rocks THAT much.<br>
Your Pal