Sad story. I grew up fighting w/my brother, but we grew past that. Your's is a different story. Should you forgive him? Can you? Honestly - only you can answer that, and it's a tough call. Now I'm a Scorpio who forgives NO ONE; but HE IS family. The one true honest question that you need to ask is this - will he continue being the person he was? If so (and this may hurt), cut him loose. If he treated your parents that way, he'll treat you the same. Will he change? Let him prove it. Another thing Scorpios hold true is FAMILY. He says he has (or will) changed - make him prove it. This is someone who beat your parents for years. If he's changed for the better, it's safer to make him prove it. If he hasn't (or won't) changed, cut him loose. Harsh, maybe. But the sooner you do that, the safer you'll be.