Speaking not from the practical standpoint, but from the philosophical:
What you are asking for is rather anti-community, and thus not in keeping with the spirit of TFP, in my opinion. Blocking certain members is not comparable to having an ignore list, which would prevent you from seeing my posts - it would be comparable to having a button that prevented ME from seeing YOUR posts, which effectively cuts me out of a discussion that the larger group could be having. This is even worse since in this case that discussion could easily be about me! Every time AI saw that entry that I wasn't allowed to view I would wonder if it was me that was being discussed - and that would definitely make me feel less at home here. On the other hand, allowing certain people to see your private thoughts has more to do with inclusion than disclusion.
I certainly don't mean this as a condemnation of you Augi, but I think preserving the character of TFP is important.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam
Last edited by ubertuber; 04-16-2005 at 07:44 AM..