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Old 04-15-2005, 10:53 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: Iceland
TylerToo, counseling is not about being dissected... I've honestly never had that feeling. Look at it this way: if you had a genetic disease or broke your arm or something, would you avoid going to the doctor? Sure, they might poke and prod you a bit (necessarily, to see where it hurts), but they are trying to help you heal in the best way possible. The same goes for counseling. If you go with the attitude that they will dissect you, then that will taint your experience. But if you can see it more as a step to being fully functional and healthy in a relationship, and that in fact you are making an investment in your future relationships, then you will get a lot out of it.

On the days that I get cynical about counseling, I remember how shitty a lot of people's relationships are because they are simply too proud to ask for an objective opinion, and how I really want all of my relationships to be healthy and reflecting of wholeness rather than mistrust and paranoia, which I inherited from my parents. Basically I want to become someone who will be a very good wife and mother and person in general, which means becoming healthy in my mental patterns as well as physical ones. Counseling goes hand-in-hand with any kind of health regimen, including just working out and going for check-ups at the doctor; I really believe EVERYONE should do it and there should never be a stigma or shame involved (in fact, I think that is really decreasing lately).

It took me about 3 years to accept that I needed counseling for my own good, and for the good of my relationships... so take the time, but don't make it your last resort. Your friends shouldn't have to bear the burden of all your emotional/psychological needs... that's not always their job. That's where having an objective point of view is also helpful for your relationships!
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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