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Old 04-14-2005, 07:15 PM   #2 (permalink)
former newt
first off, i think you might want to address your own fear about friends. it's understandable that you have an issue of paranoia about friends, but you need to realize that not all people are like that 9th grade kid. everyone meets someone like that, who acts like a friend and then stabs you in the back. you just have to come to terms with the fact that there will be people like that, but that there are also genuinely friendly people, hopefully like mark.

that being said, don't let your guard completely down. nothing is worth destroying your own self-image and self-esteem. julia might seem important to you, and if something works out between you two, kudos. but if not, understand that you have to move on. from the looks of it, if nothing happens with julia, it won't be because you're bad person, but maybe julia isn't the right one for you.

also, try to ease up on people a little bit. don't come across as possessive or desperate, because people will cash in on that to ease their own insecurities about themselves. after all, when people make fun of others, its usually to emphasize someone else's problems to take away attention from their own. not saying julia will make fun of you, but from what i've seen with some of my own friends, being possessive is a put-off. no one wants to hang out with someone who's clingy.

it looks like julia is interested in you. it's hard to tell if she's interested in you for something other than being just friends, though. talk to her friends, if at all possible. maybe you could casually start good conversations about her. usually if a girl likes someone, she tells her friends. maybe you can find out about her feelings that way.
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