Thread: Observations
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Old 04-14-2005, 04:08 PM   #14 (permalink)
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All the advice/comments have been a lot better than I expected.
Originally Posted by la petite moi
You have to meet someone and get to know them before you start a relationship with them.
This isn't always true. In fact, for about 15 yrs of my life I thought it was normal to get to know a person by going out on dates, instead of getting to know them first and then going out on dates. And the reason why I believed this is because my dad told me that he met my mom at an advertising agency and the first day that he saw her, he just straight up asked her out and she said yes. My dad is a sign maker/painter and he was doing a job for this company, and my mom was the secretary at the time, so my dad just gathered up some courage and straight up just asked her out, and that was that. This whole thing if getting to know someone first and then dating them is something that I didn't come to know about until recently, as I've said before.

Also, at least three of the girls I've been interested in so far at school have all turned out to be married. I think I mentioned in a different thread somewhere on the TFP that UTEP (University of Texas at El Paso) is a largely Mexican university, and a lot us are poor. What a LOT of people will do is get married so they can get the benefits from the gov't, otherwise they could not afford to go to school and live on their own. As a result, massive amounts of people at my school are already married. And I actually found out that these three women were already married because I actually talked to them, and I also saw the huge diamonds on their finger (must mean some ppl are in debt and they haven't even finished college, but oh well). So it ain't that easy, at least not at this university.
Originally Posted by bermuDa
So go join a club if you go to school, or get a job you lazy bum just be friendly and above all, yourself, and love (or just pussy) will find its way to you.
Well most of my classes are in the morning, so I can't work mornings. I usually get out around 12PM (noon) every day and then three hours later I have to drive over to my brother's schools and pick them up. I tried getting a job at two places and I told them what my schedule is like and they both told me that the only shift they could offer me, with the schedule I have, is graveyard shift, 'cause they either need me to work mornings, or work from 2 or 3PM up until 8PM. As for the graveyard shift, I refuse to do that. I actually care about my health, and I am NOT going to sacrifice my health just so I can go to school and have a job. I know what it's like staying up late working on an essay until 5AM and then having to be in class at 7:30AM that same day. It really fucking sucks and I will NOT do it on a daily basis. I know there has to be a job for me out there somewhere, but for now I'm not looking. Plus, I worked this spring break on a contract basis for a company that my uncle works for. The thing is that I worked for my uncle two years ago, but then this other, bigger company bought his company, and they needed someone to program a new feature for their flagship product, and my uncle told them that I already have experience working with that system, so I got the job. I worked almost 80 hours that week! So it's not like I don't want to work; I do want to work. There is about a 95% chance I will be doing the same thing over the summer. So I'm working, just not during school. And this job doesn't really involve getting to meet people, since I'm just doing development.

And as far as making friends, I've actually made a lot of friends. Especially from labs, since they always assign us a group. I always get to know people in my lab groups really well. We sometimes have to go to eachother's houses to work on projects, which is cool. So I'm not really shutting myself out. Like I said, it isn't all that easy at this university to hook up with someone.
Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I think their problem is that what they enjoy doing doesn't really involve too many females, at least not in our area. Magic the Gathering, RPGs, and videogames don't necissarily get you chicks.

But, I think there must be hope somewhere. Perhaps if you tried visiting other communities outside of where you have been, then your social circle will expand. The more your social circle expands, even if it's only on a "I recognize your face and maybe know your name" basis, it helps.

And just a word of advice, don't be too blunt or too shy. A nice medium ground is best. Don't say "Hey, wanna fuck" but don't just look at the person you're interested in all night. Give yourself a chance.

Good luck!
I'm like your friends. I'm bigtime into Final Fantasy XI, which is an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). That is anti-sexy, I know. I'm also bigtime into Square-Enix RPGs in general. There's no local clubs that have anything to do with these games though, or at least none that I've found. I also enjoy reading a lot, but most of the books I've read are Robert A. Heinlein books and all the Harry Potter books. I bet anything if I joined some kind of book club, they'd want to talk about Emerson and all kinds of authors that I've never read. So I'm not sure how good a book club would be for me. I also used to work out every day at my university's gym. Sure, there are a lot of women there, but (and I kid you not) they always seem to come with an "escort"--a guy who "knows the ropes" around the gym. The only chick who I've seen who hasn't come with an escort was some lady who looks about twice my age.... and I worked out for a full year at this gym, almost every day. So it's not like I'm just sitting on my thumbs hoping that someone will fall into my lap.

Last edited by Stiltzkin; 04-14-2005 at 04:23 PM..
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