Originally Posted by liquidlight
I'm looking for any drink that people would consider a "surefire" way to get drunk, I've always had trouble getting even good and tipsy, though I'm relatively certain that most of it is due to the fact that I'm WAY too uptight. The only thing that I've managed to get "drunk" with is Bacardi 151 and good God that stuff is harsh, so any suggestions, with recipes of course, would be greatly appreciated!
One drink that I know of being "surefire" in my opinion would have to be an Irish Carbomb (I believe that's what they're called)
You fill a shot glass up with Baileys and you drop that shot glass into a glass full of irish whiskey (or maybe even Irish Ale).
we played quarters while drinking these.
After 3 of these things, we had a hard time just hitting the table, so we kinda forgot about the whole "get it into the cup" thing.