shakran - I hadn't seen those before. But they would probably look kinda crappy on a notchback (non-GT) I have only ever seen louvers on one car and they looked really good but I think they were a 1-off on a fastback GT. Theyre supposedly not too bad in the snow. I don't know, mine doesn't go out in the snow. But I hear that if you put some tall and skinny tires on the back, like 185/70-14s or something, they're pretty good. There are a lot of people that drive them year round.
Nimisys - Quite a few people put in the interior from a 4th generation Firebird/Camaro. It completly changes how the car looks. And 1 or 2 have put in 3000GT dashboards.
here is a Firebird dash:
I'm no sure about the explosions, but I'm pretty sure they were discontinued because of their inability to pass the crash test standards. It's not what I'd call a safe car, if you care about that sort of thing.
Actually, the Fiero got 5 stars on the crashtests. It was the 2nd safest car sold in America, next to a Volvo which was the safest most likely because it had airbags. There are crash stories all over the Pennock's Board of people that walked away from crashes. Like one guy hydroplaned and slid under a tractor trailer and was dragged (is that even a word?) for about a mile and a half. He walked away without a scratch. His wife, who was in the passenger seat, only had a small cut on her arm because the t-top glass shattered when they went under the truck.