Thanks for the comments guys and gals. We talked about this a little this weekend and my wife admitted that she doesn't initiate sex much, but that was as much as she would say. She didn't get into the reasons for that. She did start some fun on Sunday night so maybe she will pay more attention to that in the future.
Ibis, you may have hit on something my wife does a lot. She doesn't give me any clues as to what she wants (or even that she wants it) and it is up to me to figure it out. Now sometimes I get it right and everything is fine but often I don't and that doesn't help her mood. I've told her there is nothing wrong with her letting me know what she wants and when she wants it but for whatever reason (embarrassment maybe) she never tells me.
Acetylene, I‘m not sure she thinks a normal sex drive is wrong (although that is possible), it's more that she doesn't seem interested in any thing unconventional regarding time, place and style. It's pretty much conventional sex, at night, in bed, before going to sleep for her. She is usually tired at night and in bed by 9:15 so that pretty much rules out sex during the week for us.
I help out a lot with meals, dishes, laundry and everything else already but even if I did more so she had more free time she wouldn't think about having sex then because sex is something you do in bed before going to sleep. Having two teenagers in the house, who would probably be aware of what we were doing, may be part of her reason for not wanting it earlier in the evening.
Sorry to hijack this thread whoever started it.