Actually, it sounds like you are overwhelmed with pressures.
You've taken on too much, expecting to much of yourself.
And now you are on the edge.
I just did the same thing to myself with this high-powered job I have.
I just kept taking more and more, kept saying if you want a job done right...
Well, guess what, I found out I'm human,
drove myself into the ground, and it affected me personally too.
My emotions, my mental state, my body...everything.
I'd do a serious review of everything you've taken on.
and step back.
Alert everyone, I'm taking a break, deal with it.
And then do it, or else.
Relax, get yourself back, spend some quality time with yourself,
and then your fiancee.
This is not about them, this is getting yourself back.
Remember you are human.
And the demands of others for right now, can take a back-seat.
Sometimes you need to be selfish.
There is a balance.
Relax, find your center again, release some of those "responsiblities",
they will do fine without you, or at least with not so much attention.
You are only human.
Don't overdo it.
Enjoy some time with your love, and let the other shit roll off your back.
I hope this helps.