Originally Posted by analog
Before everyone gets their holier-than-thou, i've-never-done-anything-wrong-in-my-entire-life panties in a knot, please consider that laws and ethics of businesses and such are different from the Catholic Church.
In the Catholic Church, if you pray and ask for forgiveness for your sins, you can be forgiven as long as the request for forgiveness is sincere. WHETHER OR NOT YOU GO TO JAIL, OR CAN CONTINUE TO BE A PRIEST IS UP TO THE LAW OF THE NATION, NOT THE CHURCH.
So you see, if you paid attention, there is nothing in Church Law that requires a Bishop, Cardinal, etc., to remove a priest for such behavior.
I don't really believe that people have a right to be yelling at him and saying he's undeserving of the honors he's receiving currently. Despite the fact that the group of "survivors" and their advocacy group is all up in arms over this, you have to keep in mind that they're biased, pissed off, and have their own agenda.
You're absolutely right- and this goes for several people. Let's forgo the massive amount of money the Catholic Church gives to starving people, homeless people, and sick people to try and give them a better quality of life, or any life at all, so you can sleep better at night knowing that your anti-religion rhetoric- which is SO "broken record" it's not even funny- on an internet web board finally made a difference.
the latter thing you said make sense. A few bad apples doesn't necessarily ruin the bunch when you have such a large and charitable organization.
Your former point totally bewilders me. It seems to imply that you would know if you were forgiven or not. How do you know God doesn't listen to your sincere apology and think "nah, your gonna burn". This line of thought reminds me of the bull shit conversions of death row inmates who "find Jesus." So I guess the Catholic church has it's own method for determing weather the "can" be forgiven sin, is in fact forgiven. Thats why they have the church right? God's advocates. Great, that's all neat if you buy the system, if you believe the pope and his organization is able to channel god's will. But I don't buy it. I don't think the Catholic church explains the universe. All I see, is that a man who was rightfully disgraced for association with one of the world's most heinous crimes is being honored.