Dude, if you're grossed out by your girl, for the love of God, don't tell her. If you make her feel like she is smelly and undersirable, either A. she'll never sleep with you again, or B. she'll think it's her fault, feel horrible, and you'll have made her feel dirty and ashamed. NOT GOOD THINGS!
My ex-boyfriend always wanted me to shower immediately beforehand, and made it very clear he thought my juices and sweat were distasteful. He made me lie on a towel to have sex and wouldn't let me touch him afterwards until I'd washed off HIS cum. He was my first and I thought this meant I really was gross. Can you say "neurosis"?? When Kel invited me to bed, and I said I was on my period and hadn't showered since the morning, and he said "So what?" I practially fainted--someone didn't find me repulsive!
Anyway, I still like the way I feel when I have just showered--it is a different feeling and texture. I'm not saying you're awful for wanting her clean. What I'm saying is, BE POSITIVE. Invite her to shower with you. Tell her how soft her skin is when it's fresh and moist from the bath. Get excited about her smoothness when she's freshly shaved. She'll get the hint and do it because you like it, not because she feels dirty.
Of course, some girls really ARE dirty. My housemate showers maybe once a week, and hasn't washed her sheets since we moved in. But that is a different story!
There's no justice. There's just us.