The Libs bent BC over and dry humped with out even a courtesy spit. I haven't seen any polls yet but I hope that they don't get back in. Originally from BC I wish I could vote here but I just recently moved back from quite a while away. 6 months hasn't passed yet so I can't vote! So I won't get my say! :P Oh well next time around.
There are 12 more parties this year too eh? Not sure if these ones are new or not (too lazy to search that indepth atm!) here are a few:
Work Less Party of British Columbia
People of British Columbia Millionaires Party, The
Communist Party of BC
Oh this one is a good one I am sure they will win! The PACWHDTTFTABTOPs!!
"Party Of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think For Themselves And Be Their Own Politicians"
So good luck to my fellow voters! Pick me a winner!
Don't you know about the bird?