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Old 04-07-2005, 07:03 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Location: A warm room
Originally Posted by tspikes51
People are always looking for something to whine about, that's why they invented political correctness and why people take offense to stupid shit.

So why is it that black people can call each other "niggers" but if I so much as mention the word the world pulls out the cat o' nine tails???
I don't necissarily believe that it's the words themselves that are what cause the offence, but instead the context that they are used in. Like how showing a friend your middle finger when they playfully tease you to jokingly say "Oh, screw off!" is different than when you give the finger to a bad driver because they actully pissed you off.

There is a difference between reclaimed language, and words that are used to hurt. My close friends and I calling me queer doesn't bother me, but if I were to kiss a lady friend on the street, and have "Queer!" shouted at me I'd be offended. The difference here, is that even if the person shouting "Queer" at me isn't homophobic, the fear of this person hating me for who I am on the surface is still a scary idea.

My friends and I can call eachother queers if we wish, because we have taken the hate out of the word, and instead have taken it to be empowering.

Sort of like if your grandmother were to talk about penises. It's okay when your girlfriend or your buddy talks like this, but not when granny does.
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