Originally Posted by Redlemon
I always thought that it was weird that you didn't need a passport to cross the Canadian border. I also think it is strange that I don't need to dial a country code to call there from the US.
There is this little document called NAFTA that everyone seems to have forgotten about. I say FUCK IT, let's scrap the whole deal and go back to the duties and taxes we had before.
Wait, we've already done that with politically charged goods.
I am going to go eat a piece of Alberta Beef and pick my teeth with a Softwood Lumber toothpick.
The only thing keeping me sane is the quiet confidence that when our dollar is on par with the Greenback, I am going to Vegas. Now I'll have to carry a passport. I think the benefits outweigh the costs on that one.
Peace, my friends to the south. I love you just the way you are.