Age: 19
Sex: male
What is game? What does it mean to have game? Give an example.
"Game" is the term given for people who feel the need to demonstrate how good they are with the opposite sex. It refers to people who are insecure with their sexuality, and therefore make a point of flaunting it all the time. People with game often go home with different people every night, for the same reason.
Why bother to have game? What is the point?
Well, as you may have guessed from my previous response, I don't bother. I take care of myself, I'm happy with the way I am, and I don't feel the need to objectify women by making an effort to sleep with every one I see. Call me crazy.
Do men or women tend to exhibit more game?
They exhibit it in similar amounts; it just manifests itself differently. In the more stereotypical sense of the word, men would exhibit more game, but using my definition above, I think it's fair to say both men and women do it.
What if any do you think are negative aspects of having game?
The need to have it. It becomes an addiction.
Does game have use far into a relationship or just at the beginning?
It doesn't have any place in a good relationship. Having game is equivalent to putting on a show all the time - not a good way to start a relationship. If you lie about who you are in the beginning, the only place to go is down.
Where did you learn your ideas about this? Friends, parents, books, life?
Life. Watching people. Existing.