04-05-2005, 01:11 PM
#13 (permalink)
TFP Mad Scientist
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Originally Posted by xim
This is for my Human Sexuality class. Me and a group will do a presentation on "Having Game". We are doing surveys about it so I thought I would include you guys
This is to get peoples opinion so dont ask what I mean by "having game", the question is what do YOU mean by "having game". The questions are kept general for this reason. Elaborate to your hearts desire.
Age (optional but preferred): 23
What is game? What does it mean to have game? Give an example.
Based on my observations having "game" means having all the right words and moves to seduce individuals of the opposite gender without much effort. People who have game are very successful in getting sex from various different individuals.
Why bother to have game? What is the point?
You need "game" in order to get laid and attract the interest of the opposite sex.
Do men or women tend to exhibit more game?
It would seem to me that men are the ones who need "game" because women naturally attract men. Unless a woman is unbelievably ugly and has a very crappy attitude she doesn't have to do much for guys to want to be with her (sexually and romantically).
In contrast, a guy needs to have "game" in order to attract women because having good looks and a good enough personality isn't enough. In order to keep a woman interested a guy has to be a challenge to a woman---he must have not only the good looks and personality, but he must have money and must be the desired prize catch all other women want. A man who lacks in either of these category must have "game" in order to attract women and eventually make then interested enough to desire a relationship.
What if any do you think are negative aspects of having game?
Having "game" means that you're not being truly who you are and that you constantly have to put on a mask. It requires constant vigilence because all it takes is one slip-up for the mask to momentarily fall off (or for the "game" to be a bit weak) and the woman goes off to find some other guy.
Does game have use far into a relationship or just at the beginning?
A man needs to have some amount of "game" even in a relationship to keep the woman on her toes so she doesn't take him for granted. The moment he stops being a challenge her interest levels take a nose-dive and she'll leave him for the next guy with good looks and an even better-looking pocketbook.
Where did you learn you ideas about this? Friends, parents, books, life?
I personally don't have "game" and doubt I have the aptitude for it, but I have been taking classes at life's University of Hard Knocks.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation