Age (optional but preferred): 19
Sex: M
What is game? What does it mean to have game? Give an example.
I don't think it's so much having game, but more about your ability to play the game. The "game" is where both the girl and the guy want the same thing, but each need to show the other they have good qualities.
So if you're not really good at speaking, you can still have alright game if you're really hot. But if you're a good speaker (have charisma) it'll make up for looks and much more.
Why bother to have game? What is the point?
The point is to have fun! Enjoy sharing something special with someone(s) else.
Do men or women tend to exhibit more game?
In the majority, women have WAY more game than guys. They're just better at it. A girl can read body cues, expressions, etc. much easier than a guy.
What if any do you think are negative aspects of having game?
I don't think so. It brings a deeper understanding into conversation and relationships. Someone with good game doesn't have to focus on what they are saying and can focus on the subtext of the conversation as well as the general mood, and use that information to lead the conversation where they want.
Does game have use far into a relationship or just at the beginning?
I'm not sure it's something you can turn on or off. But if you're just "using game" to get a girl attracted to you then going back to your true self, she will be disillusioned. ("this isn't the same guy I started dating!")
Where did you learn you ideas about this? Friends, parents, books, life?
Life and books. My parents have a belief about wealth being an important factor in attraction, a lot of supplicating ideas. Same with a lot of my friends.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim