Age (optional but preferred): 27
Sex: M
What is game? What does it mean to have game? Give an example.
Game is street slang for "Charisma," "that special something" It is usually meant only for purposes of physical intimacy, but can technically apply to anything where Charisma would come into play.
Ex. One person can use his/her "game" to get someone they want, to have sex with them. Yet someone else can use "game" to sell a car or close a huge merger.
Why bother to have game? What is the point?
Game boils down to people skills. For some it comes naturally ( Charisma ) for some it is learned. Either way it helps you to interrelate with other people confidently and positively
Do men or women tend to exhibit more game?
From what little I've been in the bar scene, I would say it is split. Yes it is easy for a woman to get laid, it is the same for a guy. They just have to keep lowering their standards for a one nighter until someone says yes.
What if any do you think are negative aspects of having game?
As already said in previous posts, misuse and carelessness in the dating scene can lead to STD, children, being seen as a player and therefore lowering your chances of finding a serious mate in your "hunting ground." In the business world, too much can make you come across as fake.
Does game have use far into a relationship or just at the beginning?
Game/Charisma/People Skills, all have a place at any point in the relationship. You don't ( or at least shouldn't ) go too much above and beyond at the beginning of a relationship. I give my wife the same attention now as I did when we first met, and I will continue to do so.
Where did you learn you(r) ideas about this? Friends, parents, books, life?
All of the above, plus school ( pyschology ), and people watching.
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.