Originally Posted by greeneyes
There are different synods in the Lutheran faith and they have different beliefs on the topic of communion. I am Missouri Synod and we believe that once the pastor blesses the bread and the wine, it is Christ's body and blood. ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) believes that the bread and wine are a representation of the body and blood and the Wisconsin Synod teaches that the body and blood coexist with the bread and the wine (consubstantiation).
Hope that cleared things up a bit.
This is one thing about the Lutheran religion that blows me away. My wife's church is ELCA. Even though I'm still by the book Catholic, I can take communion any time I want to fill out the card. In the Catholic church, that's a big no-no. Catholics only, thanks.
My buddy goes to a Lutheran church in town that is Missouri synod, and he can come to our church & take communion, but my wife can't go to his & do the same thing (although his church may frown on that, I'm not sure). My point is that anybody can basically take communion at an ELCA church, but the Missouri synod limits who can take communion. Do I have that correct?