asaris: thanks, that did help
. I do know quite a bit about the Christian faith so I assume I can infer. I would love some futher discussion about your statement "and to participate in those practices in a non-ironic manner", I'm curious when you have the time
P.S. I have recently within the last year started to develop some friendships and associations around my community, took guts to get 'out there' but it seems to be working even though they see me as a bit of an enigma because I am so different in my thoughts, opinions, way of life etc...
Zeraph: Beautiful! I love your expansion, thank you so much. It entails much of how I think but this really hit home for me:
Don't ever dismiss anything completely. Don't ever accept anything completely
I think this is where I faulter, I am so there and I'm not quite sure where to put my feet (so to speak). I've always had something firm to believe so without my 'blind' faith to keep me comfortable, I really feel as if I'm a bit lost. So thats a big YES on the help side. Thanking you again
I'm still up for some other perspectives, any takers?