For me, the middle, this time on Earth is a transitionary stage in our development. What was before, or what is next I don't know. I think our actions have consequences (reason, importance) and it is up to the individual to percieve what consequences he or she desires. You will need to find your own moral code, and your own reason for living. These are difficult accomplishments, and will likely stay in flux.
The world is a mirror. If you hurt someone, you hurt yourself. This is very abstract, and is difficult to understand. But know that to channel hate or anger will always leave a mark, like the fat that clogs your arteries. We all contribute to the way the world is in small parts that add up to a big picture. The whole is greater than the parts. In many senses we are one, if people just realized this think of what we could accomplish.
Perception is wild, it can change, it will change. Philosophy is slippery, things can and do have many meanings. Don't ever dismiss anything completely. Don't ever accept anything completely (yes, even this!)
Moderation in everthing (even moderation!)
Never take anything too seriously, even yourself.
The need for power usually stems from greed, a greed for permanence. NOTHING is permanent. Learn to love, and let go. Do not become attatcheted. But balance this, do not become too distant either. It is an amazining ability to have unconditional love (meaning you can let go and still love.)
That's it for now, I hope this helps you. Peace.