Weak... I really don't know what to say besides that one word... "weak"
It could also be because I haven't fully woken up yet.
"We’ve got to pick a film that’s going to sell in our area. If it’s not going to sell, we’re not going to take it,"
That makes sense... I mean if the majority of your market is of fundamentally christian origin, you're not going to sell a lot of movie tickets to people who'd rather hear about the universe being 6,000 years old.
I liked this quote though:
But, should they indirectly censor science via the selection process for science films to please a minority of public religious beliefs? I think not. First and foremost, science centers have a responsibility to inform the public, and that includes exhibiting evidence that supports evolution to the public. Humans are related to other organisms on the planet. We share DNA with the critters that surround deep sea vents as described in Volcanoes of the Deep. If science centers avoid presenting the factual basis for the theory of evolution, they do a disservice to the public—those who question evolution and those who do not.
Should a SCIENCE center censor it's material? I think that's the real question here