Also, after having the teeth pulled I developed drysockets on both sides! Bitch! And on top of it, the Vicodin I was given didn't do a damn thing for me. After having my teeth out on Friday I had stopped taking the Vicodin in favor of Advil by Sunday nite, and it did a much better job. And then I was "lucky" enough to discover that Clove Oil is the nastiest taste there is. I had to go back three times so they could shove these Clove Oil packs into the holes where my teeth used to be to help the recovery process. These things made my mouth water like crazy and if I ever happened to swallow any of it I started dry heaving. The first morning I had them I went to the dentist at 7:30am, and was back home by 9am, so I went back to sleep since I didn't have to be to work until 2pm. Well I woke up to find my t-shirt soaked because I had been drooling all over myself. Real nice.
So, all in all it was a fun experience. HA~!