Everybody has days where nothing goes right at all... Just keep telling yourself that tomorrow will get better.
Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate and you need to take a little bit of a break. You did the mom thing at an early age, and that might be catching up with you.
My niece is a little older than your daughter, but I can see in her where she'd try to push my sister's buttons and got quite good at it. Your daugher knows that she can aggravate you and it can become a game. (I know, I did it to my mother) That might be a lot of what's going on. Is her father involved in her life at all?
Has your doctor changed your medication at all that would cause your feelings to change so drastically?
As for getting stuff off your chest, get yourself a journal, either an online one, or one you can stuff under your mattress, and write down your feelings, it's better to get them out, rather than letting them fester within yourself.
The tough love advice follows --
As for money... unfortunately, if you are going to allow family to help you, you leave yourself open to the I told you so's, or the unsolicted advice. If this is behavior that you fall into a lot, where you are always going to them for help, maybe it's time to figure out what problem you are having is, and correct the problem. If they don't help, they can't offer you advice. There are places where credit counseling, and other financial advice are offered, or even go to the library and pick up a book on the basics of financial management. (I suck at money, it's not something that's natural in most pepople, you have to teach yourself this) If you can raise a child on your own for 9 years, you can certainly master financial management.