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Old 04-01-2005, 11:11 PM   #36 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
And I should add, if it is not a "Godwin"... the attributed words of the German preacher Martin Neimoller - although he used in an even more serious situation, should be marked and understood by the entire working class.

The capitalist class attack one group, and you do nothing, because you are not effected
And then the next, and the next... and when it is your turn... there will be no one to protect you either.

Only through unity of class can these attacks be resisted. If this company attacks smokers, and we say "oh well, I dont smoke...." and then they attack the overweight and we say "oh well, I am not overweight..." - the goal of course is that the entire employee base is subjugated and immiserated, that there conditions are crushed and made poor in the name of expansion of profit, accumulation of capital... in America the state will not protect the working class - the American state is currently viciously anti-working class and has iniiated several attacks against the working class... protection can only some from the working class itself. The individual worker is very weak, a slave, a chattel, a piece of property that the capitalist can abuse at will. The working class as a whole is far more mighty that the state and capitalist superstructure in total.

if a company attacks its staff in the way that is described, all counter actions by the workers are to be approved, certainly the use of strike, confiscation of company property and equity as a minimum. All workers should refuse to deal with this company in any way.

When the state makes such an attack on the workers as stated in this thread, all teachers in that area should immediately withdraw from work, all parents should pull the children from the school, the state officials responsible should be publically jeered, and coerced... only through strong and united action can the required aims be achieved. ANy teacher continuingh to work and any parent supporting this move must be classified as an enemy of their class.

The question is who is to be master - either the capitalsit will be master, and the conditions of workers in all organisations will be worsened, made more miserable, the capitalist will attack every area of the life - the employee is banned from smoking, the employee is banned form certain sports in their private time because they are dangerous, the capitalist forces the employee to LOOK a certain way (ie not be overweight, or not have long hair, or not grow a beard, or not be this colour, or speak with this accent...)

Either this, or the working class is to be master, that workers will control their own conditions of work. That workers will control their own levels of pay to a degree, that workers will control the fuction of work to a degree. In a capitalist society this is a constant battle of competing interests.

If you are outraged by an employer threatening to sack overweight people, I support your outrage and encourage it. But I ask you not to consider only that we are upset by this instance, not only to consider that we reverse this instance of unfair treatment because it effects or touches US personally... I would ask all people to consider the CONDITIONS which make this possible, which allow the capitalist state of Hawaii to act this way - and we consider the appropriate method to reverse these conditions entirely.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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