Dude, the original matrix is not only one of the best action movies EVER, but it's hella deep.
I think the overall philosophies alluded to in the movie concern government, rather than "reality" per se. First of all, i'm into conspiracy theories, and while some are really out there, I believe that the government has hidden agendas. We live in the government's "matrix", brainwashed by the media and more concerned with frivolous BS like celebrity gossip, latest fashion trends, and American Idol, while those who pull the strings go on doing whatever it is they do. We form a symbiotic relationship with government, but we're kept in the dark as to what is really going on. We know only what THEY want us to know. When one of us gets out of line and thinks outside their little box, they use the media to discredit and isolate that person. Foreign culprits are assasinated by puppet agencies and shadowy wetwork organizations. And, it gets deeper: Just when Neo thought he knew all the truths, the architect tells him that even though he was thinking outside the box, there was an even BIGGER box that held the smaller box. Therefore, how can we really ever know anything? Study socrates man, this shit is crazy!
This shit is hella deep, i can't even conjure the vocab to put what i'm trying to put.
However, i wanna say that "reloaded' and "revolutions" sucked ass. These stupid ass religious references were half-assed and convoluted, all it did was make me angry.