I'm having mixed feelings now after reading a particular thread:
It almost seems like rather than discussing the human depravity demonstrated by this article by these peoples actions we'd rather focus on the term "white trash" which was I'm assuming used to title it at one point.
Having in my best and because of my upbringing I've been called "white trash" on more than a few occassions, and to be honest my family earned the moniker, however to this day I still don't find it offensive, just embarrassing. For it to be offensive to me I'd have to apply an association to the words that I just don't make, after all they are only words, but I can be sympathetic to how they could offend some people.
What I'd really like to discuss is what is it about these particular words that we find offensive? Have you had past experience that associates with thier usage and that's what bothers you? Is it societal? Or is it simply that we've all been told what they're supposed to mean and that bothers us?
I'm not trying to be inflammatory so please don't take this the wrong way, but when looking at the actual definitions to a lot of the words that bother us they don't coincide with the impact and association that they now receive, I'm not going to cite anything specific since I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about and can come up with your own examples without me pushing that line.
The last thing that I wonder is why the words continue to be offensive even when used in a context where they are wholly accurate and oft times the most descriptive available? There is something to be said for eloquence, but simplicity and directness have their place as well. As was once said when asked the signfigance of an item, "sometimes a cake is just a cake."
I'd love an open-minded and frank discussion and/or debate on this issue, if this is something that might upset you please disregard the thread entirely as my intention is not to be offensive myself.