A couple related topics
So I recently started dating an incredible girl. Beautiful, a sweetheart, great sexually, and someone I am comfortable with. Honestly, I think there is definite potential here. Now on to the couple related topics/questions
1) She is 19 years old and has had a lot more experience with sex than me -- she lost her virginity before high school. However, I don't think that she has been promiscuous, but just had sex with people she seriously dated. I, on the other hand, am 21 years old and just recently lost my virginity to her.
Besides just getting used to the distance and the initial excitement of the relationship, sometimes I find myself ruminating about the fact that she's already had sex and that I'm not her first. Or that she compares me to her previous lovers. Or that basically anything we do she's already done before and with someone else. Or that she has so many more years experience than me, even though she's younger.
I would guess that some of this may just be natural thoughts, and in all honesty, the rational side of me knows that this isn't a big deal -- that she loves me now and that's what's important, and that she wants to share herself with me. Furthermore, I know that she could think similar things about me and the stuff I've done with other girls (even though not sex). There's no way I want such neuroticism to mess up this relationship, because she's too great, and I think it will probably dissipate with time, but I was just wondering if other people have dealt with the same thoughts and how they did so.
2) So I had sex with the girl recently, and it was my first time. We had sex two or three times almost everday thereafter. Problem is, I didn't come every time, and sometimes because soft far sooner than usual. I'm in pretty good shape, generally have what I would think is a good sex drive, but I just wasn't coming all that often. I could still make her come, so I was at least doing that, but needless to say it was embarassing and frustrating for me. Even now that I'm back home, I feel like my sex drive is thrown a little out of whack, which is somewhat strange.
Is this normal after waiting so long to have sex for the first time? It sounds like most people tend to come too soon, but I guess I have the opposite problem. And I'm afraid that it has damaged my confidence, which could only make things work if I'm nervous or worried about it. I enjoy having sex with her and just want my usual libido and sex drive back so we can enjoy it even more. Any thoughts? And any thoughts about what I could do to fix it before I see her again?
Ok, so those are a couple things on my mind. I'd truly appreciate anyone's advice and help. I already love this girl and I don't want to mess things up because of my own, stupid worries and I'd like to do well in bed. Thanks a lot --