an eternity...
I original wrote this in my journal but have decided that comments would be appreciated. I was thinking about eternity (whether in heaven or in hell) and was wondering if there is any concept of the past when your soul/spirit is in place of eternity? I am inclinded to say that there isn't, especially in heavan, because if you can know that something happend 'before' (with whatever frame of reference, because the frame or reference would not be time) then you can know that it has passed and therefore you will feel bad that it is over. Besides that point (which is debatable because 'It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all') there is the idea that if our memories are finate and limited, and we have a concept of the past, eventually our memories will be full and therefore eternity will be over. I am inclined to say that a concept of the past will be included in hell because of the pain the past can bring. It would be a form of torture.
But I know very little and give the question to you, oh wise ones... Is there a concept of the past when your spirit is in a place of eternity?