I "reconnected" with an old friend a few years after we'd fallen out of touch... not for any reason, but she'd accidentally included me on a spam list (how thoughtful) and I spontaneously decided to reply to her.
We exchanged quite a few e-mails in a short time period, mostly about why things sort of slipped with us, but it wasn't like we were back to being chummy. Even though I don't think either of us would have held it against the other if we never saw/heard from each other again, it was refreshing to hear the other person's perspective and to be able to "close" that relationship in a cordial manner.
We met for coffee a year or so later, and it's been a couple more years since the last time we talked... but at least now there isn't that lingering "wha-happened?" feeling. I feel like if we ran into each other on the street we would be genuinely glad to see each other, chat things up a bit, but probably not rekindle the old bond.
So I say send it for yourself, and expect nothing. If something happens, great... if not, you did what you felt you needed to do.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran