It isnt a nice feeling to knock someone spark out like that. I had a few fights when I was at school and stuff, but Im not a very violent person... Ive only ever lost it twice... one time was after some kid in the year above me came after me. His sister beat up my sister, so I threw his sisters school bag out of the window (I wasnt violent to her, I just grabbed her bag off a table and threw it through an open window.) but then he came after me. Unfortunately he was a martial artists and kicked my ass quite badly - to the extent I was left on my ass fighting back tears, then he just made some comment or laughed, I dont even remember now, and I just remember my mood snapped, and all the humiliation and shame just changed, I jumped up, went for him, grabbed him bt the throat and threw him through a fire door in our portable classroom, as he went throught the door I came through it with him, landed on top of him (I was quite hefty even then).. then I grabbed his face in my hand and slammed the back of his head as hard as I could into the ground... and then I froze, and suddenly got really scared... it turned out he broke his arm and three ribs (probably as a result of me landing on him more than anything else)... I didnt get in as much trouble as I might have cos it just got portrayed as horse play that got out of hand. (and he sold drugs, so he didnt have much sympathy amongst a lot of teachers and so on)
The other time I hurt someone I was 20... I was watching a soccer game in a bar, and there were a bunch of skinheads just behind me.... I didnt have any problems with them, but they were yelling racist abuse at a Greek guy at the front, and I was just being a "passerby" but the Greek kid got pissed off and threw a pint glass into the crowd of skinheads... they all rushed at him, trying to get through the people inbetween, and one of them shoved my then girlfriend into a wall.... I didnt think, I just had an instant reaction that I grabbed his shirt, twisted him towards me and hit him as hard as I could. It was hard enough that the glass front of my watch and both of the hands fell off) ... he was a big guy, and he just stood there and stared at me for maybe a second, and I was like "Oh fuck, I just hit this guy as hard as I could and now he's gonna kill me".. but then he slowly slumped backwards and slid into a sitting position, slumped to the side cradling his head. In some sense I feel like he deserved it, but it is a horrible feeling to hit someone that hard. I was 20 when that happened, and like the time when I was 15, I just lost control for a split second and exploded with violence, and in that second I just wanted to destroy.... and when that flash of rage passes, you feel kind of sick, and scared.
I certainly hope I live a long long life and never hit anyone (or get hit!) again!
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas
Last edited by Strange Famous; 03-27-2005 at 10:44 AM..