Ok Hi again.
Yes it partly does play a role into this, but ever since I started working here, Im trying to get the feeling that "manager" is not an enemy, hes there for help/guidance, sometiems I just feel otherwise.
Need some words of wisdom from you. I tottaly agree on playing low key as I want to grow in this same company.
so its been a few weeks know since this incident happend and i have just had casual communciation with the collegue, like just "hi" and "bye" giving him time to cool down. should I have a meeting with him soon to come to an agreement so we can put this behind us or build "morale" with him. , as It seems to be wise to strenghen the relationship with him. I know for sure this will be a major challenge since he took this to an extreme. i also found out the director did go to question the other 2 collegues about me as they told me which was in the 2nd email from the thread you linked out.
I already had a conversation with my manager, but some feels he is peace maker around here at times and its prob in my best interest for him to favor me or build interst back in me. how can I make this happen?