Originally posted by SecretMethod70
You want to know why she perceives pop music as being so hard to write? I'll tell you why. It's because there is no creativity involved in it. Zero. Zilch. Nada. And I'm serious when I say that's hard to write, because it really is difficult to come up with something new that sounds just like everything else.
When I listen to "boring artistic" music such as Dvorak, or Chopin, or Beethoven, I feel EMOTION. I can be calmed and suddenly jarred to life at the will of the composer through "boring artistic" music.
I'd like to see Britney Spears even ATTEMPT to do that.
of course there IS good pop music if you remember the beatles and that seargent pepper album. you KNOW britney could not attempt something like that! she couldn't write something like that, or even sing something like that. it's sort of like people who would NOT be interested in gourmet foods if you served it to them & they would rather you take it away & give them a cheeseburger. anyway, i have lots of "artistic" progressive rock and jazz, and i have philip glass CDs & NO britney in my music collection.
oh, and i think people like Pet Sounds by the beach boys, some really good pop music. that is not something britney should attempt!