Originally Posted by pocon1
It sounds like you did the right thing. He assaulted one of your friends already. Then when you pushed him away, he came back and got in your face. He escalated the situation, and you had no idea of his threat level. As you said, you have seen people get charged for manslaughter in barfights, well he could have done it to you. For self-defense, at least in America, a potential threat has to be established. He did that. But you don't actually have to be attacked to claim self-defense. If you can make a credible argument, with witnesses that there was a threat of assault then you would be cleared. Plus, you did not know the bouncers were coming. So you felt you had to act. I say consider yourself fortunate that you were able to get out of a potentially dangerous situation.
Be careful with such advice, it is different for each state.