I gotta say I'm neutral on this. If he was that drunk, was such force neccessary? By your own words, was the violent outburst on youre part because you felt you had to protect your friends and wanted revenge? Or would you have done this even if you were by yourself and the guy didn't even do anything but challenge you?
Yes, the guy was in the wrong, but revenge is a petty thing and it sounds like if you just waited 4 more seconds the bouncers would have dealt with it.
Anyways, I lean both ways about this, I'm not saying I would have done any different.
There's something called a flash point in males (maybe females too? I don't know) that once it's triggered we go into a violent rage. How long it lasts, what you do, and what triggers it is all subjective. It's up to everyone to know and acknowledge it though, to gain some controll over it.