A rum & coke at home to warm up, dinner, then a large lemon sojuj (kind of like a screwdriver, except soju instead of vodka, and lemon instead of orange juice) and then a healthy dose of scotch when I got home. Not drunk, but I am feeling good.
Liquidlight, I used to love starting off with some strong Irish coffees. I had a friend who was really into coffee, so it was fresh roasted, ground in his home, brewed so good, then add several shots of Bailey's to give you that warm toasty feeling. Then I would finish off with Everclear Orange Juice Screwdrivers and/or rum and coke (mixed with regular strength rum). The irish coffee was awesome since it helped us maintain a drunk while at the same time keeping us awake for those late night LAN games. So tasty.
d^_^b Got my headphones on.